Using the NetManage (NetSoft) 32-bit product with my Affinity adapter and keep getting the ``Blue Screen of Death - Fatal Exception of 0E..."

Using the NetManage (NetSoft) 32-bit product with my Affinity adapter and keep getting the ``Blue Screen of Death - Fatal Exception of 0E..."

To fix the "Blue Screen of Death - Fatal Exception 0E . . . " for twinax
configurations of Netsoft's 32-bit Portfolio product used with any of our
twinax adapters do the following

:1.  Edit the file c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI and semicolon out the following
    lines in the [386Enh] section

:    ;IBMDefaultTwinax=N

2.  Edit the file C:\WINDOWS\WINSTART.BAT and add the following lines

:    C:\5250CARD\D5250AH

3.  Note: The PAUSE above can be removed after confirming that the
          programs are loading correctly.

4.  Restart Windows 95 and at the "pause" confirm that the Adapter
    Handler and NSTWINAX programs have loaded correctly by looking

:    "Adapter Handler installed in Memory" and
    "[LWXBJ-01] : Twinax Adapter handler Interface TSR loaded (Win95)"
    Also check that the "V86 Memory Segment" is not 0000.

    Press any key to continue.

Article ID:
2/3/2003 1:56:33 PM
Last Modified:
2/3/2003 1:56:33 PM
Issue Type:
Trouble Shooting