NFS configuration for Remote Port Buffering.

NFS configuration for Remote Port Buffering for the CS9000 and Iolan SDS.


Concerning file names, the device server will use the Line Name parameter or default to using it's MAC address.

[line name].dat or [line name].enc for encrypted files
cs[last 4 digits of MAC address] [line number].dat or .enc
example: /cs41dc01.dat

To view the encrypted files you must use the decoder application to create a decrypted text file.

Windows NTS daemons: Windows DiskShare

This is by far the easiest of the platforms to get going. This is assuming that the DiskShare package has been installed onto the machine with TCP/UDP stack already setup properly (pings work)
Create the directory you want to share (use Explorer)
Right-Click on the parent directory (lowest level/root) and select properties. Select the NFS tab and select to make this base directory accessible to all. All subdirectories will automatically become shared.
You should now see that directory is marked with an NFS icon indicating the exporting of that directory.

The nfs_directory configured for the device server will be this syntax: [driveletter]:/[path] note the forward slash.
example: c:/portlogs

Note: For other Windows NFS servers refer to the application's manual for the UNIX path naming convention for the exported Windows path. Example, ProNFS exports a Windows directory as: /[drive]/[directory]

Linux x86

Assuming that the machine's TCP/UDP stack has been setup properly and you have network communications with the device server (ie. pings work) and your NFS daemons are running ("rpcinfo -p [hostname]" should show mountd, nfs, portmapperd and lockd are all running).
Ensure that the service is started during bootup. On RedHat run the "setup" utiliity and select "Services" -> enable NFS.
Run "/etc/init.d/nfs start" to manually start the daemon.

1. Edit the /etc/exports file and add an entry similar to the following:
[path to export] nfs [Ipadd/Hostname](rw,insecure,no_root_squash).

/cs9000/portlogs nfs cs9000(rw,insecure,no_root_squash)

Please note the no_root_squash and insecure options because they are required because the device servers's implementation uses uid/gid = 0 (anonymous userid) and udp port above 1023.

2. Create the NFS directory that is exported, example /cs9000/portlogs, and make them accessible for the anonymous userid by using the chmod 777 command on both the parent and subdirectories

3. Reboot the machine if you have the NFS daemon startup as part of your boot sequence, or run "exportfs -ra" to force the NFS daemon to re-read the exports file.

Solaris x86 and Sparc

Assuming that the machine's TCP/UDP stack has been setup properly and you have network communications with the device server (ie. pings work) and your NFS daemons are running ("rpcinfo -P" should show mountd, nfs, portmapperd and lockd are all running).
Run "/etc/init.d/nfs.server start" to manually start the nfs daemon.
Note: the Solaris host will automatically start the NFS service at boot time if there is a valid NFS configuration.

1. Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file and add an entry similar to the following:
share -F nfs -o rw,sec=none [path to export]

share -F nfs -o rw,sec=none /cs9000/portlogs

Please note the sec=none options because is required because the device server's implementation uses uid/gid = 0 (anonymous userid) and udp port above 1023.
Note: some Solaris versions must have "sec=none,rw"

2. Create the NFS directory that is exported, example /cs9000/portlogs, and make them accessible for the anonymous userid by using the chmod 777 command on both the parent and subdirectories.

3. Run "shareall" to force the NFS daemon to re-read the exports file.

The following Unix OS's are not supported for the decryption software but can be used to export NFS directorys:


Create the NFS directory that is exported, example /cs9000/portlogs, and make them accessible for the anonymous userid by using the chmod 777 command on both the parent and subdirectories.
Add the device server to the AIX host table.

Run "smit nfs" and select Network File Systems (NFS)
Select the Configure option to start the NFS server daemon
Select Add a Directory to Export List option
Here you select the directory you wish to export. The Mode must be Read-Write, and add the CS9000 to the Host & Netgroups Allowed Client Access field.

SCO OpenServer

Create the NFS directory that is exported, example /cs9000/portlogs, and make them accessible for the anonymous userid by using the chmod 777 command on both the parent and subdirectories.
Add the device server to the SCO host table.

Run "scoadmin filesystem" at the command prompt.
Select Export
Select NFS -> Add Export Configuration.
Configure the Directory to Export
Change the Read-Write Clients to Selected System (say OK to changing the Read-Only Clients option).
Choose Select
Select Add Clients and add the device server then select OK
Select OK to complete the configuration

Trouble Shooting and Tech Tips

Portmapper Services
The console server solicits NFS and MOUNT udp port numbers from the NFS server's portmapper daemon. If this service is not available at the time that the console server is soliciting portmapper responses, default ports 2049 and 627 are used as per RFC 1094. While most NFS services will have daemons listening on those default ports, some may not; and as a result, the console server may have to be re-boot to retry the portmapper services after they become available. All systems tested will accept the connections on the default ports. Informational messages wil be displayed on the console port of the console server should there be any problems in mounting the directory, opening/creating the files and reading/writing to the file.

Network Outtages and NFS Retries
The console server will display informational messages on the console port should there be any problems in mounting the directory, opening/creating the files and reading/writing to remote files. The console server retries up to 6 times at 10 second intervals before treating that file handle as be stale. Any data in the port buffer will trigger continuous retries to re-open/create the file at 10 second intervals.

Remote File Attributes and Security

File Size
File size is limited only by the partion or disk space available. Maintenance of the files are the end user's responsibility.

Time/Date Stamp
Any console server reboot or network outtages will result in the a time/date stamp being interleaved with port data. These messages are indicated with the "< >" angle bracket text messages.

Multiple Console Servers
For multiple console servers using the same NFS host/server, the user must take care to ensure that filenames and/or exported directories are unique. Default settings on console servers will ensure that filenames are unique, but NOT the exported directory. The console server's unique ethernet MAC address is incorporated into the default (no configured line name) filename along with logical port number. It is recommended that different exported directories be used for each console server and that only that console server's IP address be allowed to mount that directory. While exporting a directory to a range of IP addresses/devices, is allowed, managing many remote port buffer files for multiple console servers become more difficult.

All remote files are created with read/write privileges. For Linux and Solaris systems, the files are created with user/group/other set to read/write. This is necessary because the console server uses the "anonymous" credentials. Thus the reason for having the "no_root_squash" option under Linux and the "sec=none" option for Solaris. The "insecure" option under Linux is also required when exporting a directory to the console server because the udp port used is above 1024.

Article ID:
3/12/2003 2:25:54 PM
Last Modified:
5/1/2007 8:08:42 AM
Issue Type: