Example notes on the RIO configuration file for Linux

Example notes on the RIO configuration file for Linux.


When a new configuration file is generated it will require to be modified before initializing the RIO system.
Below is an example of a rio.cf file generated on a Linux host with one RIO host card, an RRC16, and RTA8 concentrator.
Futher details on the rio.cf file will be found in Chapter 5 of the RIO manual.

# Current RIO driver configuration.
# File Created : Fri Oct  3 09:13:28 2003
# Host entry format is:
# HOST::::
# Rta entry format is:
# RTA:::::
# Port entry format is:
# PORT:::::::ixany,ixon,lock,store,drain:
# Default port format is:
# DEFPORT::::::::ixany,ixon,lock,store,drain:


    RTA:e40020ca:UNKNOWN RTA 1-1:-1:boot:
    RTA:e40013ad:UNKNOWN RTA 1-2:-1:boot:

In most cases the DEFPORT can stay unmodified as most applications that open the RIO devices will set their own STTY parameters.
If the application does not perform these functions then you can modify the DEFPORT or create individual PORT configurations under each RTA.

You will need to modify the Host card entry and each of the RTA entries.
Enter a "configured name" for each Host card and RTA.
Enter the starting Port number for each RTA entry.

HOST:[detected ID of host card]:[configured name of card]:boot:
    RTA:[detected ID of RTA]:[configured name of RTA]:[first port #]:boot:


The default for the ports is using the ttySR device names, they are tty devices with transparent printing enabled, and using (ixon) software flow control.
The host card has been named "Rio Card 1"
The first RTA is an RRC16/RJX with at name of "RRC16 accounting dept". Port 16 has been defined as a modem.
The second RTA is an RTA8/DX with a name of "RTA8 service dept". Port 1 device name has been specified as /dev/printer1 instead of the default ttySR (note: riomkdev will have to be run to create the device).
All other ports will use the Default settting.


HOST:d9005be1:Rio Card 1:boot:
    RTA:e40020ca:RRC16 accounting dept:0:boot:
    RTA:e40013ad:RTA8 service dept:16:boot:

Article ID:
10/3/2003 9:53:05 AM
Last Modified:
10/3/2003 9:55:25 AM
Issue Type: