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Can the IOLAN+ be configured to update my Unix Authentication Server to record Users logging in and out ?
1. On your Unix Server create a User profile to represent the IOLAN+ logging services. For example,
Username: iolan1 (this username must match the 'Log username' in the IOLAN+ Administration menu / Access / Host Authentication & Logging menu)
Password: logger (this password must match Logger password in the IOLAN+ Administration menu / Change / Logger password)
Important note: Certain distributions of Unix may request for you to re-enter the password confirmation when you login for the very first time after creating a User profile. Since the IOLAN+ cannot re-enter the password, it is advisable that you login to your Unix Server from the main console and login using the new username and password. You may be prompted to enter a new password. Instead enter the same password again to login.
Now you can log out and the User profile is ready to be used by the IOLAN+ logging services.
2. Configure the IOLAN+ Logging service as follows:
From the Administration menu, select 'Access' then 'Host Authentication & Logging'. Configure the Host authentication & logging screen as in the following example.
Auth Host [ ]
Authentication Port [23 ]
Login Prompt [ogin: ]
Password Prompt [ssword: ]
Success Indication String [Last ]
Failure Indication String [ogin incorrect ]
Maximum Login Attempts [3 ]
Login Timeout (seconds) [0 ]
Disconnect Probe [Yes]
Log Username [ iolan1 ]
Log File [iolan.log ]
Log Power Up/Down [Yes] Log User Login/Logout [Yes]
Log Port Connect/Disconnect [Yes] Log User Service Start/Stop [Yes]
Note: The log file called 'iolan.log' will be created in the User profile's directory on your Unix Server. The above activities will logged in this file.
3. Configure the IOLAN+ Logger password. From the Administration menu, select 'Change' then 'Logger
password' (This is the same password for the User profile on your Unix Server).
New password [ logger ]
Retype Password [ logger ]
4. Reboot the IOLAN+ for the above changes to take effect.
5. Check the IOLAN+ Server statistics to determine whether the Logger service is communicating with your Unix Server. From the Administration menu, select 'Statistics', press the Enter key and select 'User'. The last line in the Server Statistics shoud read 'logger connected to host'.
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