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Garbage characters are displayed upon dial-up connection to the Ultraport serial card.
Solution: A: There are 2 possible solutions to this problem. See answer 1 and answer 2. Answer 1: One possible solution is to enter a fixed connection rate into your modem that is attached to the Ultraport serial card. Check the modem manufacturer's User reference for the fixed connection rate command. Answer 2:
For example, the fixed connection rate command for 9600 baud on a US Robotics 56K modem is AT&N6&W.
The problem could be triggered when the session is not terminated properly. In this scenario a Dialer was
set up called (dialHA24) that gets called when a new getty is spawned. This happens whenever a session is ended. What could be happening is that the Dialer is unable to open the port and returns a fail code to getty. When that happens, gett apparently does not re-negotiate the baud rate on subsequent calls. You can work around this problem by putting in a delay and making sure that the Dialer return code is zero.
This can be done by creating a script that calls the dialer routine with a 5 second delay. For example,
sleep 5;/usr/lib/uucp/dialHA24 -hx0 tty2A 2400 &
exit 0
Note that it is necessary to have the dialer executed as a background task and that the exit code from the
script be zero. The command line '/usr/lib/uucp/dialHA24 -hx0 tty2A 2400' is what getty executes.
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