How to create an modem init string for Ptalkwin

I am a Ptalkwin user with a new computer,the modem list in Ptalk does not include the modem installed in my computer.

Modems do not connect.

Ptalk Win was not certified to work on w2k or XP computers,however customers have installed the software and have reported the software works,the only issue has been the modem in the computer is not in the list of modems supported by the software, to resolve that problem the initialization can be retrieved from the windows modem log. To obtain the init string follow the instructions below.

To Crete and view the modem log on a W2K workstation

1=> Start

2=> Settings

3=> Control Panel

4=> Phone and Modems options

5=>Select the Modem Tab

6=> Select modem from list

7=> From the options at bottom of page Add- Remove- Proprieties

8=> select Proprieties ( this will open the "Modem External Properties window.

9=> Select the Diagnostics tab ( at bottom of page look for the heading Logging.

10=> check box ( Record a Log)

11=> Open Hyper Terminal create a new connection

try to dial a number

12=> Go back to the control panel- Modems and select View Log option

The log file will now have the initialization string for the modem

the following is an example

Send: ATS7=60S19=0L0M1&M4&K1&H2&I2&R1B0X3

select the line and copy

this string can now be added to the application software to initialize the modem

To add the modem string to Ptalk .
1) Start Ptalk
2) Configuration
3) Modem Settings
4) Advanced
5) At Modem tab select  Other
6) Iniatilize  (copy the string to this location
7) The field wait for connection  change from 30 to 90 secs

Article ID:
2/7/2003 5:05:32 PM
Last Modified:
2/9/2003 11:45:27 PM
Issue Type:
Trouble Shooting