OEM modes for the Jetstream/Lanstream + CS9000

OEM modes for the Jetstream/Lanstream + CS9000


The OEM mode field is a 4 digit hexadecimal number. The number is defined as a bit field, each bit being a different option that is either enabled or disabled.

The following options are currently used :-

Bit Value  Option

0      1      Login prompt uses OEM1 string.
  When set, and a custom language file is in use, the login prompt will use the string defined in the language file as the login prompt instead of the 'login: ' default prompt.

1      2      Bypass Password
  When set, authorised users who do not have a password set, with the exception of the admin account, WILL NOT be prompted for a password at login (for jslogin or cslogin services only).

2      4      Disable Routed
  When set, the routed process will not be started at boot time. Instead, a static route will be created using the first entry found in the gateways table that is set to type default.
[CS9000 - This is a read-only parameter for OEM_mode. To enable/disable, use the services parameter.]

3      8      Telnetp Single Connection
  Sets all reverse connections ( raw and telnet ) to a one connection at a time mode. Server side applications will get a (socket) connection refused until :
    All data from precious connections on that serial port have drained;
    There are no other connections;
    A (upto) 1 second interconnection poll timer has expired.

  OEMmode 8 also enables a per-connection keepalive TCP keepalive feature - after approx 3 minutes of network connection idle   time, the connection will send a gratuitous ACK to the network peer thus either ensuring the connection stays active OR causing a dropped connection condition to be recognised by the reverse raw service.
  Without OEM mode 8 set the software continues to work as before.
  Applications using OEM mode 8 need to be aware that there may be some considerable delay between a network disconnection and the port being available for the next connection attempt - this is to allow any data sent on prior connections to be transmitted out   of the serial port. Application network retry logic needs to accommodate this feature.

4      10     Send Break Option
  When set a port will allow the sending of a break signal through to attached device. This can be used in the Sun Server environment when the administrator needs to take the Sun Server to the OBP mode (Open Boot Prompt)
 This is a read-only parameter in OEM_mode. To enable/disable this feature, use the ‘set server break ’ command.

Special Modes created for Maintenance Releases:

5     20      [Jetstream Only] Allows devices not powered up to flush the write queue  and close after the host is rebooted.

6     40     [Jetstream Only] Causes the unit to  ignore break and line errors (parity, framing and overrun). 
  This is to override the default setting to convert these events to null characters. 
  When running Trueport Lite, sending nulls causes some applications using Trueport to crash.  They stop receiving data and the TCP window goes down to 0.  On lanstream/jetstream the ports show a flag byte of 4862 and the port appears dead.

Related Articles:
1.) Setting OEM modes and Services

Article ID:
6/20/2003 2:32:25 PM
Last Modified:
1/3/2006 8:34:35 AM
Issue Type: