The upstream/downstream connection would have to avoid any Analog-to-Digital conversions.
This would require that at least one side of the connection have a Digital interface to the Telco, such as connecting an ISDN modem to the Perle.
The Perle 833IS uses ISDN lines and the 833AS uses T1/PRI lines for connection to the Telco.
In a Analog to Digital dialup senerio (ie. dialing into an ISDN modem or 833IS/AS):
The V.90 connections employ one bidirectional channel, upstream and downstream. The V.90 analog modem's downstream (recieve) channel is capable of higher speeds because no information is lost in the digital-to-analog conversion. The V.90 analog modem's upstream (send) channel goes through an analog-to-digital conversion, which limits it to V.34 speeds.
Master / Slave modem configuration for V.90
In our 833AS/IS we have Rockwell chips that have Master (Central office) capabilities. External analog modems used for PC use are programmed as Slave devices.
To get a connection greater than V.34 you need a V.9x Slave modem dialing into a Master/CO V.9x modem setup. This is another requirement for the V.9x protocol. RAS server's used by ISP's (such as the 833AS/IS) are always Master devices, so they can offer V.90 to their customers.
So if a PC was to use the Perle Dialout client from us and then back into us they would have a Master to Master setup and they could not connect at V.90 speeds. This would also be the case if you used a PC to dialout to a different ISP (who would most likely be a Master) also.
The PC dialing out would have to dial into a Slave device to fufill the Master/Slave combination to obtain V.9x protocol negociation (note that the Analog to Digital conversions would make limitations to the upstream speed).
At present the 833AS/IS does not have dual Master/Slave functionality.
As the 833RAS uses external modems they will not encounter a Master/Master setup as these types of modems are commonly Slave devices.