High density interface on the Ultraport and Speed LE cards

What type of interface is available on the UltraPort, UltraPort SI 4,8 and 16 port, Speed LE 4 and 8 port models.


The UltraPort and UltraPort SI ,4,8 and 16 port, Speed LE 4 and 8 port cards have a high density connector, most often referred to as HD-68, the connector available on the cards are VHDCI 0.80 (.031) pitch connector


0.8mm Very High Density
Also called a Very High-Density connector Interface (VHDC1) or 0.8mm connector. It's similar to the SCSI-3 68 pin connector in that it has 68 pins but a much smaller footprint.



68 Pin Micro-D (High Density )
The most common SCSI connector used today. Used on all SCSI Wide applications this connector provides a highly secure connection. Also called SCSI-3 connector.

This model is not used on the card.



Article ID:
3/2/2005 10:53:53 AM
Last Modified:
5/14/2007 9:50:00 AM